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Laga soo bilaabo 1998 MRCI CDS waxay la shaqeysay qoysaska ku nool gobolka Minnesota oo dhan si ay u bixiyaan adeegyo ay ka mid yihiin Adeegga Maareynta Maaliyadeed, Xulashada PCA, iyo Barnaamijyada Ruqsadda haysta ee 245D ee shakhsiyaadka iyo Familes ee doorta inay iyagu iskood u hagaan adeegyadooda. Adeegyada Macaamiisha Hanuunsan ee MRCI waxay bixisaa adeegyo tayo sare leh oo ay taageerayaan adeegga macaamiisha oo horseed u ah warshadaha. Macluumaad dheeri ah oo ku saabsan barnaamijyada ballaaran ee aan bixinno, ka dooro barnaamij hoosta.

Horeba waan u ogaa barnaamijkaaga oo aad dooneysaa inaad nala xiriirto?

happy couple Happy couple meeting with their MRCI Client Directed Services Program Staff

Maxaad u dooranaysaa MRCI CDS?

  • Waxaan bixinaa taageero 10 barnaamij oo kala duwan oo ka yar 5 tanaasul oo kala duwan.

  • Waxaan haynaa shaqaale awood u leh inay ku hadlaan afafka Soomaaliga, Isbaanishka, Carabiga, iyo Ingiriiska oo diyaar kuu ah adiga.

  • Waxaan bixinaa adeegyo tayo sare leh oo ay taageerayaan adeegga macmiilku hogaaminayo ee macaamiisha

  • Waxaan haynaa qalab khadka tooska ah oo loogu talagalay inuu kaa caawiyo inaad waqti iyo lacagba dhigato

  • Waxaan ka mid nahay kooxdaada daryeelka. Iyadoo lala kaashanayo maareeyaha kiiskaaga iyo qorsheeyaha taageerada, waxaan ka taxaddari doonnaa faahfaahinta farsamo ee ku lugta leh is-toosinta daryeelka kuwa aad jeceshahay


CDCS participant on his computer with his PCA or DSP

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

Participant-directed service under the Home and Community Based Waiver program that allows individuals an opportunity to live independently.

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CSG participant and his mother in the fall

Consumer Support Grant (CSG)

The Consumer Support Grant program is a state-funded alternative to Medicaid home care services of home health aide. 

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Host home participant sitting at a table with young woman

Host Home

Service for individuals living in a foster care setting. MRCI CDS hosts the foster care with their 245D license.

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PCA supporting an elderly woman

Private Pay

Families and individuals can now pay for staffing without the worry and hassle of handling payroll taxes and other IRS obligations of having staff. MRCI will accurately comply with all of the IRS guidelines for reporting wages and paying taxes.

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Happy child hugging man in soldier's uniform and holding an American flag

Veteran-Directed Care (VDC)

The VDC Program gives the Veterans of all ages who are eligible for nursing home care, the opportunity to remain in their home and community with assistance from family and friends.

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Young girl being transferred by her PCA

PCA Choice

Participants can receive help with routine activities that people tend to do every day such as eating, bathing, dressing, mobility, as well as other health-related tasks, behaviors, and more.

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Man in wheelchair being assisted by his Personal Support Staff

Individualized Home Supports

Individualized Home Supports, formerly Personal Supports, is a traditional service option available to people on the developmental disabilities waiver that provides licensed staffing support.

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Peaceful woman with a cup of coffee in her hands


Respite is a short-term care services provided due to the absence or need for relief of the family member(s) or primary caregiver normally providing the care.

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Sleeping baby with arm around a teddy bear

Night Supervision

Provides overnight supervision and assistance to a client by an awake staff. 

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Homemaker staff cleaning a frying pan after preparing a meal


Services that help a person manage general cleaning and household activities. Including cleaning, home management, and assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs).

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"Runtii waan ka baqay inaan sameeyo CDCS maxaa yeelay waxay umuuqatay waxqabad balaaran… La shaqaynta MRCI bilawgii, waxwalba way fiicnaayeen oo way fiicnaayeen ... Weligay maan sugin in kabadan 24 saac jawaab qof kale MRCI CDS. Waqti kasta oo aan waco ama iimayl aad soo dirsato aad baad u caawin jirtay

Rachel V. - Xubin Qoyska MRCI CDS

Adeegyada La Hagayo ee Macaamiil

1961 Premier Drive, Suite 318

Mankato, MN 56001

MRCI Client Directed Service's Logo

Macluumaadkan waxaa lagu heli karaa qaabab kale oo shakhsiyaadka naafada ah ama luqado kale iyagoo naga soo wacaya deegaanka 507-386-5600 ama taleefanka lacag la'aanta ah 800-829-7110, dadka isticmaala TTY sidoo kale waxay naga soo wici karaan Minnesota Relay 711 ama (800) 627 -3529

Report perceived illegal or unethical activity to the Corporate Compliance line at 1(866)280-9928. 

245D Licensed Services, Financial Management Service (FMS), PCA Choice Agency, Minnesota DHS, Homemaker, CDCS, CSG, Individualized Home Supports, Host Home, Respite, Private Pay, Night Supervision, Veteran-Directed Care

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